Comments received on Public Draft GSP through NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service comments CDFW Comments on the North American Subbasin Draft Groundwater Sustainability Plan ECOS Comments on the North…
Board Meeting Agenda for October 14, 2021 For more information on SGA Meetings…
Special Board Meeting Agenda for October 14, 2021
Draft Groundwater Sustainability Plan for North American Subbasin available for public comment until October 29. Click here to go to draft GSP
Board Meeting Agenda for August 12, 2021 Note: Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20, and given the state of emergency regarding the threat of COVID-19, the meeting will be…
BY JIM PEIFER SPECIAL TO THE SACRAMENTO BEE JUNE 15, 2021 08:00 AM One look at Folsom Lake, the Sacramento region’s primary surface water storage reservoir, says all we need…
Special Board Meeting Agenda for June 7, 2021 Note: Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20, and given the state of emergency regarding the threat of COVID-19, the meeting will…
Board Meeting Agenda for June 10, 2021 Note: Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20, and given the state of emergency regarding the threat of COVID-19, the meeting will be…
Since the last drought, local water providers have implemented nearly 20 projects to increase water supply reliability and resiliency to drought. These projects allow water providers to more easily shift…
Board Meeting Agenda for April 8, 2021 Note: Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20, and given the state of emergency regarding the threat of COVID-19, the meeting will be…