Leading the Way with Regional Planning
Since 2004, RWA has led the region in collaborative planning to improve water supply and water quality for all uses in the American River basin.
Today, the American River Basin Integrated Regional Water Management Plan, created and managed by RWA, provides a framework to identify, evaluate and prioritize a wide variety of water resources-related projects and programs.
The IRWM Plan brings together diverse stakeholders in order to maximize the benefits of integrated planning in the region.
As a result of past and current planning, RWA has assisted local agencies in securing substantial grant awards to complete projects to help the region meet its planning objectives.
These regional grant successes include:
A $22 million grant from the California Department of Water Resources in 2002 to construct 12 projects including pipelines, pumps,water treatment plant expansions and other facilities that will help the region better manage surface and groundwater supplies.
Construction of all projects was completed in 2009.
The expanded capacity to practice conjunctive use benefits not only the region, but other parts of the state and the environment through water transfers in dry years.
A $25 million grant from DWR in 2006 to help the region move forward with a variety of projects that will improve water supply, water quality and protection or the lower American River and the lower Consumes River.
The program, which will be completed in 2015, includes a suite of 14 infrastructure projects such as groundwater wells, surface water pipelines, water treatment plants and water recycling facilities.
In addition to local benefits, the projects will generate statewide benefits by improving habitat and the quality of water reaching the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
A $16 million grant from DWR awarded in 2011 to fund 15 more high-priority projects for the region that further expands the range of water resources benefits to flood damage reduction, water conservation and watershed protection.
A nearly $10 million grant from DWR awarded from the 2014 IRWM Drought Grant Program.
When complete, the 17 projects receiving funds will greatly enhance the region’s water supply reliability during extreme dry conditions by increasing our ability to move water within the region through the completion of new pipelines, intertwines, booster pumps and groundwater wells.